Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A week's worth of food

So... Dear Roomie and I are switching back to using Happy Herbivore recipes for all our meals (except where we add oatmeal along with our smoothies at breakfast, due to how many pills I have to take every day). I'm working on doing the same thing I did at the beginning of the year when we were doing this: writing each meal for each day of the week down in my planner, along with what page of which cookbook the recipe is on. That's what works for me.

On the monthly pages of my planner, I'm writing down my weight per day in kilograms. Yes, I'm American, not in the military or medical fields, and I use the metric system. There are a couple very simple reasons for this: about a year ago, I applied for a job in Canada. It looked like I stood a decent chance of getting it. I decided to start learning the metric system. The second reason is more silly: many websites needed to calculate BMI and other measurements only let a person input their height as a full number, such as 5'7" or 5'8". I'm 5'7.5" inches tall... or 172 cm. Using the metric systems lets me put in my height more accurately. Silly, I know, but it makes sense to me.

So for this week, this is how our meals look:

MondayBreakfast: Oatmeal and Banana Frosty Smoothie
Lunch: Thai Tofu Noodle Soup (from Happy Herbivore Abroad)
Dinner: Greens Quiche (we flubbed this meal and had Jason's Deli since we were away from home at dinner time) (from Happy Herbivore Everyday)

Oatmeal and Cinnamon Bun Smoothie
Lunch: Green Quiche
Dinner: Mock Chicken Noodle Soup (from Nava Atlas' Vegan Soups and Hearty Stews)

WednesdayBreakfast:  Oatmeal and Neapolitan Smoothie
Lunch: Mock Chicken Noodle Soup
Dinner: Taco Soup (also from Nava Atlas' Vegan Soups and Hearty Stews)

ThursdayBreakfast: Oatmeal and Pick-Me-Up Smoothie (from SkinnyMs.com)
Lunch: Taco Soup
Dinner: Class night, so Subway

FridayBreakfast: Oatmeal and Protein-Packed Green Smoothie (from Whole Foods.com, spinach subbed for collards)
Lunch: Tofu and Broccoli Satay (from Happy Herbivore Abroad)
Dinner: (Open)

I never try to plan for the weekend. It's either leftovers from the week or I'm out of town or pasta. Because I love me some pasta. I could eat it every night... if I wouldn't keep putting on weight.

So that's this week.

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