Monday, June 24, 2013


It occurs to me that I might be somewhat bad at this blogging thing. Well, that's only partially true. It's more that I can't remember to come over to Blogger and make a post, even though I'm on Google Mail all day, every day. And that's probably a bit sad. I'm going to be working on changing that.

Since my last post, it's been sort of one thing after another. My many and varied host of health issues was finally resolved as being fibromyalgia. I'm even on two medicines that keep me at a pretty even keel between being comfortable and being in constant pain. The downside is, somehwhat predictably, one of them makes me gain weight. In two or so months I've been on the medicine, my weight has ballooned out of control. 

So now I have to work twice as hard to get the weight back off, plus try to keep myself healthy, while being limited in the number of exercises I should do. My doctor actually recommended I hold off on running until I get at least twenty or thirty pounds off.

Basically, I'm starting from scratch. I weigh more right now than I ever have in my entire life. This is where I'm starting from:
*189.2 pounds

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